Home>Member Company Announcement Forum Presentation Tips


The presentations at the DCAT Member Company Announcement Forum are informative and factual, akin to an investor presentation, not a marketing or client presentation. Here are some tips and samples to help you put together an impactful presentation.

Slide presentation deadline: Please submit your slide presentation no later than Monday March 4, 2024. The slide presentation will be reviewed for adherence to the Forum’s criteria and approved by DCAT.

Presentation Tips:

  • ​Based on a 7-minute presentation, limit the number of slides to 3 to 4 slides plus the cover slide and final contact slide. Rule of thumb is to not have more than 1 slide per 2 minutes of presentation.
  • Be specific as to the news development; for example, manufacturing investments should provide amount of the investment (dollar amount and/or amount of capacity addition).
  • Lead your presentation with the news development. The audience is well-informed and knowledgeable about companies and is first interested in the news development not a listing of company capabilities.
  • Explain the strategic rationale for the news development to provide context.
  • Do not include general information such as a listing of company capabilities or company descriptions.
  • Presentations may not include promotional language. Presentations should include only factual language. Presentations that are promotional will not be accepted.

Presentation Samples

For guidance, below are samples for two types of news developments: (1) manufacturing expansions and (2) mergers & acquisitions (M&A).

Sample 1:  Expansion Announcement

Do not include slides with company history, description, capabilities, or promotional content.

Slide #1: Cover Slide – include name of presenter, title, and company

Slide #2: Announcement of Expansion with detailed bullet points

  • Size of expansion
  • Amount of investment
  • Type of manufacturing involved

Slides #3-4:

  • Rationale for the expansion/investment
  • Timeline for completion and start-up
  • Explanation of how the expansion fits into the company’s overall development and manufacturing network

Final Slide: Contact information regarding the announcement (as there will be no Q&A)

Sample 2: M&A Integration News Update Announcement

Do not include slides with company history, description, capabilities, or promotional content.

Slide #1: Cover Slide – include name of presenter, title, and company

Slide #2:  Snapshot view with background info on the merger or acquisition:

  • Date and amount of merger or acquisition
  • Overall strategic rationale for the merger or acquisition
  • Pro forma or combined revenues of the combined company
  • Capabilities/product areas added by the acquisition
  • Manufacturing facilities added by the acquisition
  • Total manufacturing sites and number of employees post-integration

Slides #3-4:

  • Completion date of merger or acquisition
  • Integration targets: cost synergies and timeline for integration
  • How is the acquired or merged company being integrated and where does it fit in the organization? Any new organization of the company post integration?
  • Describe in more detail the development and manufacturing facilities acquired and how they fit into the acquirer company’s existing footprint

Final Slide: Contact information regarding the announcement

Questions? Contact Jacob White, Editorial Coordinator, 1-856-388-2796, or jwhite@dcat.org.