Thursday, March 20, 2025
7:00 – 9:30 PM
New York Hilton Midtown


Annual Dinner guests are invited to attend the Pre-Dinner Reception and Post-Dinner Hospitality events immediately following the dinner. For security purposes, we require all guests wear their Annual Dinner badges to gain entry to the 2nd and 3rd floor events. Complimentary transportation from select DCAT Week hotels will be provided for all attendees.

Pre-Dinner Reception

5:45 – 6:45 PM • Trianon Ballroom
Thanks to the kind sponsorship of Adare Pharma Solutions, the DCAT organization is pleased to invite all Annual Dinner guest dinner to a Pre-Dinner Reception located directly outside of the Grand Ballroom. Pre-Reception is open to Annual Dinner Guests only. Dinner Badge is required. 

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Post-Dinner Hospitality Events

10:00 PM – 12:00 AM • 2nd Floor
Post-Dinner Hospitality Suites, hosted by DCAT Member Companies, provide a variety of atmospheres to unwind and network after the dinner has concluded. DCAT Annual Dinner Badges will grant dinner guests entry to all Post-Dinner Hospitality events.

Amcor Flexibles Gibson
Asymchem Inc. Sutton Center
Made Scientific Clinton
Resilience Beekman
Siegfried AG Nassau East
Takasago International Corp. (USA) Sutton South
Thermo Fisher Scientific Regent
WuXi STA Sutton North

For Post-Dinner Hospitality Guests not Attending the Dinner

Name badges will be required for all attendees who plan to attend the Post-Dinner Hospitality events. Name badge pick-up will be available on the 2nd floor of the New York Hilton near the escalators beginning at 9:15 PM. Access to the Post-Dinner Hospitality suites will not be permitted until the conclusion of the Annual Dinner (approx. 9:30 PM).

For DCAT Week Attendees: To be admitted, please wear your DCAT Member Name Badge issued during DCAT Week or request another at the 2nd floor badging station. Member Companies participating in DCAT Week should bring identification and a business card to be issued a name badge on-site.

Non-Members: Non-Member attendees affiliated with the pharma industry who were not dinner guests must wear a DCAT event Badge by requesting one at the 2nd-floor Badge Station. Please have a business card available to indicate your affiliation with a pharma company or supplier who would attend DCAT Week.

As this event is being held at a public hotel, your consideration of our security measures is greatly appreciated.